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Year 7 - Key Stage 3

Throughout Year 7, student are taught 1 hour and 40 minutes of Physical Education. Students' work is assessed in 5 weekly units and reported termly.


The key processes of the Key Stage 3 National Curriculum for PE during Year 7 include:


Developing the skills in physical acitivity

Making and applying decisions

Developing physical and mental capacities

Evaluating and improving

Making informed choices about health and active lifestyles.


In Year 7, these processes are delivered through a range of lesson content, which includes the following activities each year:


Year 7 boys : Rugby, Gymnastics, Dance, Swimming, Football, Fitness, Athletics, Striking/Fielding

Year 7 girls: Netball, Gymnastics, Dance, Swimming, Hockey, Fitness, Athletics, Striking/Fielding


In Year 7 students are grouped according to their ability and to their gender where possible. The groups used are England, Scotland and Wales. These groupings are reviewed by the department on a termly basis which allows for students to move between groups as their skills improve.


Please click on the button below to view our Scheme of  Work for Year 7 students....




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