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GCSE - Years 10 & 11

Our current Year 10 & 11 students are following the Edexcel GCSE Physical Education syllabus.



Full PE course includes:

Theory test which makes up 60% of the overall mark. Composed of multiple choice short answers, long answer questions and scenario questions.


Practical: This makes up 30% of the overall mark. Students will be assessed as an individual or as a team player. Pupils will be marked in 3 sports.

Personal exercise programme: This makes up 10% of the overall mark. Students will undertake a 6 weeks personal exercise programme, where they will need to produce a written account using data analysis pre and post testing.


Independent Learning

Homework is regularly set on Class Charts. Students can access this via the school website and by downloading an App if they have their device at school.

For revision, we recommend that students use the following Apps:

Planet P.E


Students may also find the following websites useful for their revision:

GCSE Bitesize

Revision World

S-Cool Revision

Teach PE




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