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OCR Cambridge Nationals in Sports Studies.


These sport qualifications offer learners the chance to develop different types of skills through largely practical means; communication, problem solving, team working, evaluation and analysis, performing under pressure, and formulating written findings from practical investigation are all transferable skills which can be learned and assessed through these qualifications and utilised in many other educational and employment settings.

Cambridge Nationals in Sport Studies The Cambridge Nationals in Sport Studies take a more sector-based focus, whilst also encompassing some core sport/physical education themes. Learners have the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge about different types of sport and physical activity, skills development and sports leadership to their own practical performance. They will learn about contemporary issues in sport such as funding, participation, ethics and role models, and sport and the media. Learners will develop an appreciation of the importance of sport locally and nationally, different ways of being involved in sport and of how this shapes the sports industry. This specification contains OCR’s Cambridge National Award/Certificate in Sport Science and Cambridge National Award/Certificate in Sport Studies for first teaching from September 2012.










Content overview

For both the Award and the Certificate there are two mandatory units:

R051: Contemporary issues in sport

Students explore a range of topical and contemporary issues in sport, such as participation levels and barriers, promoting values and ethical behaviour, and how sport contributes to society as a whole beyond simply providing entertainment.

R052: Developing sports skills

Students try out a range of sports-related skills and techniques, including different practice methods for improving both their own performance and that of others. They develop their knowledge of the use of tactics and strategies in both individual and team sporting activities as well as their understanding of the rules, enabling them to carry out a number of officiating roles within the activities.

For the Certificate there are a further four optional units. Students select two from the following:


R053: Sports leadership

Students learn about some of the knowledge, understanding and practical skills required to be an effective sport leader. They put their knowledge into practice by planning and delivering safe and effective sporting activity sessions. Afterwards they review their performance.

R054: Sport and the media

Students explore the relationship between sports and the media: how sport uses the media to promote itself and the media uses sport to expand and maintain uptake of its products. They look at the differences in sports coverage across a range of media outlets and over time and the effect that media has had on public interest and involvement in sport.

R055: Working in the sports industry

Students explore the wide range of career opportunities related to the sports industry as a whole, including those not directly linked to a sport or physical activity. They look at how to access these careers and the development paths within them, and the wider role of the sports in national life.

R056: Developing knowledge and skills in outdoor activities

Students find out about a wide range of outdoor and adventure activities and the organisations that provide access to them. Through planning and participating in these type of activities they will learn about the risks in involved and gain an understanding of health and safety, risk assessments and the importance of detailed planning for various scenarios and challenging environments. This will also help them develop their communication, decision-making and leadership skills.

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