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English Department the team...

Mrs Sam Williams - Senior Assistant Headteacher (for Teaching & Learning) & Teacher of English.

Mrs Williams loves teaching!  Watching the light bulbs switch on and students' engaging with their learning is why she chooses to be in the classroom.  Mrs Williams is privileged to be both a teacher of English as well as Senior Assistant Headteacher responsible for teaching and learning. Her areas of responsibility include carrying out: appraisal observations, learning walks, organising Staff Continuing Professional Development and being responsible for how the Pupil Premium budget is spent.

In the past, Mrs Williams has been the Head of Communications, SENCO, Literacy Coordinator and Head of Year.  All these positions have taught her many lessons and she always tries to take advantage of new opportunities.

In the classroom, Mrs Williams enjoys teaching poetry and exploring the language and meanings that poets convey; discussing students' appreciation of the deeper meanings of language is always revealing.  She is a huge fan of technology and is continually thrilled by how our students can utilise and assist their own learning with electronic devices.

Mrs Williams spends the small amount of spare time that she have, with her husband and young son.  Together they frequently explore the sites that Devon and Cornwall offer.

Mrs Hannah Rollason (nee Rockliffe-King) - Head of Communication Faculty & Teacher of English.

Mrs Rollason has been teaching at HCC for 8 years and can honestly say she can think of nothing else she'd rather do! Mrs Rollason feels it is a priviledge being a teacher of English. She loves teaching and adores literature.

Holsworthy suits her well because it is such a beautiful, rural place and she loves living in the countryside. Her main passion is horse riding. She competes on a regular basis and has two event horses of her own. It's not just horses that she likes, she adores her other animals; two cats and two dogs. Mrs Rollason really enjoys walking her dogs on the moor and being outdoors. The other activities she enjoys (when not teaching) are swimming, watching films, seeing new places and spending time with her husband, family and friends.


Mrs Dawn Blacher - Teacher of English.

Mr Steve Williams - SENCo, Designated Teacher for Children in Care & Teacher of English.

Mr Mark Shears - Teacher of English.

Mr Peter Lovett- Teacher of English.

Mrs Debbie Alford - Teacher of English.

Mrs Alford has been in education for 13 years.  Having started as a Teaching Assistant, she has now been a teacher of English for the last 4 years.  She feels it is the best job and really enjoys it.

Mrs Alford graduated in November 2014 at Worcester University for her Foundation degree and is now completing a BA (Hons).

Outside of school, Mrs Alford is an Assistant Explorer Leader in Holsworthy and a Sunday School Teacher.

Mrs Alford has three children - her elderest daughter has just finished university at UWE and is working to save for her Masters degree, her other daughter is at Roehampton university studying Psychology and Counselling and her son is in year 11 at Holsworthy Community College.

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